In the last month Max has really fallen in love with his bike that nana and papa Kutz gave him for his 5th birthday. Although he had already knew how to ride his bike, it is as if he has just discovered it for the for time. Every day after school, Max will come home and ride his bike for a as long as Brad and I will let him.
So of course Brad got the brilliant idea to teach Max some tricks he could do on his bike. And what is the best trick you can do on a bike? Pop-a-wheelies of course! Brad explained in his engineer like way how Max would need to crouch down on his seat and then explode with power when he came to the curb. What Brad failed to do was explain that one should not come strait on to a curb (like a T) and try to jump up the curb. (we are lucky that Max had his helmet on when he flew over the handle bars of his bike)
After all the teaching intricacies, Max did master his pop-a-wheelie. Now it is one of his favorite moves on his bike!