Wednesday, September 21, 2011

the cat birds will get ya...{JEANNIE GARLAND}

A few months ago my good friend Jeannie Garland and her family came to visit for a weekend.  One day while we were sitting out side enjoying the sunshine, Jeannie informed us that we had "cat birds".  I of course teased her endlessly about the name "cat birds".  Was this an official scientific term I wondered.  Jeannie was having no teasing about the "cat birds"!  She let me know that "the cat birds will get ya", and if we weren't careful they would go after GeeBee too.

I am not sure if Brad has watched Alfred Hitchcock's Birds too many times, because he as started to talk about the "cat birds" being out too.  I usually just laugh at him, but today I discovered this in the mums right next to our front door......

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