Wednesday, November 30, 2011

you're a good dog...{JEANNI}

It is amazing what pet owners subject their pets to, thinking that it is ooh so cute.  And our family is just as bad as any.

 Our whole family joined GeeBee in the holiday cheer.  Here are some more pictures of the family while we decorated the house for the holidays. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

do you know what your name means...{JEANNI}

Okay, you are going to have to work with me on this one.

I am working on a scrapbooking project.  I wanted to list the meanings of all of our names.  So I asked Brad...

Jeanni: "Brad, do you know what your name means?"
Brad:  "No, I don't."
Jeanni:  (looking at a website that shows me the meaning of Brad's name)  "It's stupid!"
Max.  (sitting next to us coloring a picture)  "Dad, your name means stupid?"

Max looked at us with a confused face while the two of us just laughed.

As a special treat, here are the meaning of our can decide which ones are "stupid"!

Bradley - broad meadow
Jeannine - God is gracious
Maxwell - Mack's stream

Thursday, November 17, 2011


So why is Brad shouting for joy?  Max decided to cut his hair.

When the call came in reminding me that Max had an appointment this week to have his hair cut, he told me that he would like to cut it short.  This came as a shock to both Brad and I, as Max has been keeping his hair long for about a year now.  Brad was so excited to have a clean cut little boy back!

before hair cut

 after hair cut

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the mower was going by it's self...{MAX}

A bonus blog...

Tonight at dinner our family was discussing the Packers game.  Max really loves watching the Packers play because he is sure to see his favorite commercial...the Clay Matthews Verizon commercial.  Every single time he watches this commercial he can not stop laughing about a man who's mower is going by it's self.  Even if we just bring up the commercial, he will instantly start laughing and tell us how funny it is that no one is pushing the mower.

So as a special treat, here is the commercial...  Hope you enjoy it as much as Max does!

that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time...{JEANNI}

Last night Max was able to stay up and watch a little of the Packer/Vikings game.  This morning I told Max that the Packers won the game.  He wanted to know what the final score was.  When I told Max the score, his response to me was..."You would think that the Vikings could do a little better than that!"

Now that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

it's time to have fun creating a very unusual bird...{MRS. LATTUCA}

Mrs. Lattuca, Max's first grade teacher sent this note home...

It's time to have fun creating a very unusual bird.  As a family, disguise Tim Turkey so that he won't be eaten for Thanksgiving!  You may choose to dress your turkey as a doctor, an astronaut, a cheerleader, a ballerina, a clown, ect.  Be creative and use any materials you have at home.  Everyone gets to help.

Can you guess what Max decided to dress his turkey as?