Sunday, November 20, 2011

do you know what your name means...{JEANNI}

Okay, you are going to have to work with me on this one.

I am working on a scrapbooking project.  I wanted to list the meanings of all of our names.  So I asked Brad...

Jeanni: "Brad, do you know what your name means?"
Brad:  "No, I don't."
Jeanni:  (looking at a website that shows me the meaning of Brad's name)  "It's stupid!"
Max.  (sitting next to us coloring a picture)  "Dad, your name means stupid?"

Max looked at us with a confused face while the two of us just laughed.

As a special treat, here are the meaning of our can decide which ones are "stupid"!

Bradley - broad meadow
Jeannine - God is gracious
Maxwell - Mack's stream

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