Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Done!  Done shopping, done sending out cards, done baking, done shipping, done wrapping...DONE! 

As I look around the house and realize that I am now ready for Christmas, I took a moment to notice some of the little "treasures" of the season.  One of my favorite things...Christmas wrapping.  For those of you who know me well, it will not be a surprise to you that I love wrapping gifts.  I love the ribbons and bows, and all the trappings of gift wrapping.  One of my favorite things is to see how the boys wrap gifts.  Take a look at a few snap shots of our families different styles of gift wrapping. 

(Max's wrapping job)

(Brad's wrapping job)

(Jeanni's wrapping job)

I hope that you can find some little "treasures" around your home this holiday season!

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