Saturday, January 21, 2012

i wonder who got it...{MAX}

Yesterday our little...not so little boy turned 7 years old.  And just like most events in Max's life, yesterday was the "best birthday ever."

So what played such a big role in the best birthday ever?  Well...there was ihop, cake, and gifts!  We are truly a blessed family, and Max is no exception.  He received so many wonderful gifts.  One of his favorites was just delivered on his birthday.  A big brown box showed up at our door.  Max was so excited to open it up and see what it was, and who it came from.

Well, it was a remote controlled helicopter.  And the who...that we still do not know.  There was no tag or shipping information. 

So who ever you are mystery gifter...thank you for making my little boy's birthday the best day ever!

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