Monday, April 11, 2011

number 36, for slashing...{LACROSSE REF}

Lacrosse season is well underway, and again Max loves every minute of it.  Being one of the youngest on the team, Max is learning that he needs to be a bit more aggressive. 
The coaching staff has started to teach to team to “poke” a little bit more at the other team.  Of course during the game, when excitement is running high, the coaches will shout out “poke check”, reminding the players to give the opponent a good poke with their lacrosse stick.  (this is a legal move that causes the player to drop the ball)  Max being a rule follower, does just want the coaches say…except, this time the excitement was a little too much for our Max. 
Max was called for his first penalty.  He wound up and gave the opponent a great big whack.  (which is not legal)  That’s right, our little number 36 was called for slashing! He had to sit 2 minutes on the bench before returning to the game.  (much like a penalty box in hockey)
Oddly, Brad and I were a bit proud to see our little guy be such a big boy.  Now we just have to get him to keep it legal! 

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