With warmer weather comes more outside chores. In a 1950s world Brad would be doing all of these chores…but with grad school and traveling for work I have become the grounds crew. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t the work that I mind, it is that when you are dealing with “the outside” there tends to be a few more yucky things around. (Does it come as any surprise to you that the “Easter Bunny” brought me a bug wand that sucks up spiders and other creepy crawlies so that I don’t have to get close to toughing them?)
After mowing one day, I had decided to water some of the new plants that I had planted. The water faucet is located on the side of our house behind some rather large trees and rose bushes. I had to go into the trees and reach back as far as I could to turn it on. (My fear…this is where the nasties live, and I am pretty sure they are not as afraid of me as I am of them.)
When I reached back to turn on the water there was a quick rustlings of branches. I screamed! After I realized what it was that scared the living day lights out of me, I said…”hey Max, you are never going guess what is over here!”
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