Wednesday, May 11, 2011

i can't believe you are repainting already...{JEANNIE GARLAND}

When we first moved into our house, Brad and I spend about 5 days painting.  We wanted to get a fresh coat on the walls before all of our stuff was moved in.  Over the next couple of weeks I finished painting the rest of the house, and by the end of the summer we had painted every square inch of our house.
Who knows if it was the rush to get everything done before we moved in, or my need to have everything look “just right”, whatever the reason, I was unhappy with Max’s play room. 
After finally deciding how I wanted the room to look, I ran a few ideas past my friend. Although Jeannie Graland talked me out of some of my crazier ideas…like adding a ladder, she was anxious to see the end result. 
Even though you said, “I can’t believe you are repainting already” this blog is post is for you Jeannie!

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