Wednesday, February 9, 2011

can you tell it is a heart and a lemon...{MAX}

Today Max celebrated his 100th day of school.  Boy, time sure goes buy quickly!
Our family is also looking forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day.  Let’s be honest…I just like the excuse to over indulge in chocolate. 
Max will get to experience Valentine’s Day with his classroom this year.  Although there will not be a classroom party, the children will get to participate in some fun activities and pass out Valentines to their friends.  Mrs. Owen, Max’s teacher, told me that this week the children would be making Valentine’s Day mail boxes in class.  How fun!  Just like mom and dad did when we were in grade school.
Tonight we started to write out our Valentine’s Day cards for school.  Max is working on adding details to his writing and pictures.  “Can you tell it is a heart and a lemon?” is what Max asked me after working on one of his cards.  (He drew a picture of many hearts with a few lemons.)  Does Max already know how love is bitter sweet?  When I asked him why he drew the two together his answer was…”I thought it would be funny.”  Maybe greeting cards are in his future? 

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