Monday, February 14, 2011

it's a soily...{MAX}

Happy Valentine’s Day!
Because Brad has classes at Johns Hopkins on Monday and Wednesday nights, Cupid visited our family last night…with Chinese food.  (yum)   
Don’t worry…today was still a fun and exciting day full of hugs and kisses.  Max was excited to pass out the Valentine’s Day cards that he had made and carefully written out for all of his classmates.  He was also very excited to hand out ring pops with his heart shaped cards. 
When he came home his Star Wars back pack was stuffed full of cute cards and pink colored treats.  Usually I unpack his back pack and check his folder for any paperwork send home by Mrs. Owen, Max’s teacher.  Today Max told me that he would unpack his bag, and that I should wait down stairs with my eyes closed.  When he came down the stairs he placed a Valentine’s Day card in my hand.   It was a beautiful handmade card.  After I opened my eyes, Max told me…”look mom, it’s a soily.”   Max made our family a heart shaped card backed with a doily.  On the card he wrote…I love you family because you play the Wii with me.
I love you too, Baby Guy!

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