Wednesday, January 12, 2011

can we make snow angels...{MAX}

Late last afternoon our family experienced a “first” in PA…our first snow storm!
All evening Max and I chanted…”snow baby snow!”  Can you believe it, we actually miss the snow.  It was so exciting to see the flakes falling.  Although Max and I were praying that our chants would result in a snow day for school, Brad brought us back down to reality.  Chances are we would not miss any school with this storm, which by the way was predicted to dump a whole 4-6 inches on us.  Even so, I kept my phone next to my bed, waiting for the schools global phone call telling us school was canceled for Wednesday.
When I woke up at 6:00, blurry eyed, I asked Brad if school was canceled.  He didn’t know, and headed out the door to work.  However, a few minutes later he sent me a text that school would be delayed 2 hours this morning.  Well that was enough for me to celebrate.
Max and I spent the morning playing out in the snow before school started at 10:30 this morning.  Max was excited to finally put snow pants on.  “Can we make snow angels…” were his last words as he headed out the door!

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