Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i think this is going to be a facebook post...{BRAD}

Brad is currently the only person in our family that has a facebook account.  (I think that GeeBee has a better chance of opening an account than I do.)  Now that Brad has the facebook app on his iphone, he has started to post some memorable events...and this event was defiantly worth posting about.
This last Saturday, after Max's lacrosse game, we decided to run a few errands.  I am sure you can guess just how much both boys in the family feel about shopping.  So, on the way home we thought it would be a "special treat" to get McDonalds for Max.  Brad pulled right on up to the drive through menu where he discovered...50 piece Chicken McNuggets!
That's right...Brad ordered himself a 50 piece Chicken McNugget meal.  While waiting for the nuggets to arrive he says to me..."i think this is going to be a facebook post!" 
The way that Brad justifies this nugget purchase..."I didn't eat all 50!" 

Good job Brad...good job!

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