Saturday, January 22, 2011

it is a little overwhelming isn’t it...{JEANNI}

Last night Max had a birthday party.  We had invited the whole class and over half of the children came.  So I am sure that it isn’t a surprise to you that I said…”it is a little overwhelming isn’t it.”  But who did I say it too? 
Brad did well as door man.  Greeting parents and taking coats.  He was all smiles, and thought that the party went very well.
GeeBee spent the party in his kennel.  I don’t think that he would have been overwhelmed; however, I don’t know what the party guests would have thought.  Often times big fat bully knocks down people with his hind end without even knowing it.
Max…out little birthday boy was very overwhelmed.  Although he looks just like his dad, his heart is truly all his mom!  There were a few times of tears with all the excitement and I don’t think he knew what to do with himself most of the time.  It was hard for him to have all the attention focused on him.  But in the end, he had a great party…and is now looking forward to playing with all his treasures. 

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