Wednesday, January 12, 2011

let's get my eatin' sorted out...{MAX}

Last night we headed out for a special family event…celebrating Max’s hard work with SWEB rules at school.
Let’s start with what SWEB rules are.  SWEB rules are school rules that emphasize the 3 ideas of…be respectful…be responsible…and be safe.  Every day Max’s teacher moniters the students behavior and gives the children a color to report home to their parents.  The colors system is based on a stop light….green meaning good behavior, orange/yellow meaning the student needs to watch out for some behaviors that are happening, and red meaning that a behavior needs to stop.
Last night our family was celebrating Max because he had all greens for the month of December.  When Max gets all “greenies”, as he would say, he picks out a restaurant to go to for dinner.  Last night…Applebees.
One of Max’s favorite things to do at a restaurant is to fill out the kids menu, like the maze, tick tack toe, and bingo.  Has he sat in the booth and started to work on his menu, he turned to Brad and said, “let’s get my eatin’ sorted out.” 
So what did Max pick to eat?  If you said Mac and Cheese, then you are a winner!

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